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Job Searches!

At one point in our lives, we all have experienced a termination, layoff, company closure, downsizing, re-organization or voluntarily quit a job. We find ourselves back on that unemployment hamster wheel where it seems that we're putting in applications with no luck. Job searching can get stressful, but it doesn't have to be...

Let's Talk About It!

Here are 4 tips to a successful job search:

  1. Mentally prepare! Job searching is a full-time job. Dedicate a certain amount of time per day to focus on applying. Just like a job, we need to have a work / life balance and turn it off mentally!

  2. Cast a wide net! Make sure you're submitting a minimum of 5 applications a day. My rule of thumb for success! There are 40 hours in a work week; therefore, make sure you're applying to at least half that in applications. (Ex. For every 40hrs per week, you should apply to at least 20 jobs) ... same rule applies if you're looking for a part - time role.

  3. Be strategic with your job search - read the job description to make sure you qualify for the job. Pay attention to the required job qualifications and keywords. Keywords are typically repeated several times within the job description. Also pay attention to the preferred qualifications as well. If there's an overwhelming number of applicants that meet the required qualifications, recruiters tend to submit only those candidates that meet both required and preferred.

  4. Get Organized: Keep a detailed log of all jobs where you've applied. The position title, company's name, date you applied and possibly a few sentences about the company. Therefore, when a recruiter reaches out to you for an interview ... you're not scrambling trying to remember when you submitted the application, or the position.

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